What kind of male can call himself “the man” and be deserving of the title?

Alternatively, if you were to call another male “the man”, what characteristics would he possess or actions have been taken to lead you to do so?

  1. Be supportive to his friend group. Successful in his endeavors and not uprooted by failures. Takes care of himself and others. Is willing to constantly learn and grow. Reaches out. Gives those second chances that everyone needs. Basic Chad behavior really.

  2. Which “the man” are we talking about here.

    Like, “you’re the man!”

    Or like, “he’s the man of the house”

  3. Dunno, maybe if you can work it into a rap or something? Shouldn’t really call yourself the man, you call others the man, either when you are impressed by something they did, or just look like they need a pick-me-up..

  4. >What kind of male can call himself “the man” and be deserving of the title?

    A leader with a sense of humor and confidence. Otherwise you are not “the man” and are just insecure.

    >Alternatively, if you were to call another male “the man”, what characteristics would he possess or actions have been taken to lead you to do so?

    Not sure, that’s usually the guy we all turn to for directions or the one that can solve the problem most effectively.

  5. Sometimes there’s a man… I won’t say a hero, ’cause, what’s a hero? But sometimes, there’s a man. And I’m talkin’ about the Dude here. Sometimes, there’s a man, well, he’s the man for his time and place.

  6. This is very subjective because it would depend upon the type of men making the judgment. One group might call the smartest or most knowledgeable guy “the man” while others might pick the toughest, another the richest, while yet another might be the kindest. It really depends on the traits that a group of men would define as “manly” or masculine.

  7. He’s renowned for being good at what he does and solving problems but he isn’t egotistical.

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