long story short, only 31, had some trauma happen in my life and ever since then i have terrible pelvic pain, dysfunction, and pretty bad ed. one dr gave me some pills, they work awesome for the ed part. however, i feel weird taking them and also i dont want my body to become used to having to use them? is this a common problem to have at 31? im otherwise in really great shape and workout often and mostly live really healthy besides smoking a lot of cannabis.

i know you guys arent doctors but please advice. this pelvic pain situation that occured is a deeper issue that im attempting to fix but seems very very hard to heal from

  1. First of all, why don’t you ask your doctor?

    You said you smoke a lot of weed, you know that it can influence ED?

    Also if you just scroll through this sub you see 18-year-olds having problems with ED. You had a trauma. It’s not a shame to take pills.

  2. smoking a lot of cannabis lowers your testosterone levels. I would get blood work done.

  3. IANAD, but all the evidence I’m aware of is that there is that there is no such thing as tolerance or dependence on PDE5 inhibitors ([for example](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1743609515313370?via%3Dihub)), and there is a decent amount of evidence that using them is good for the penis. For example, they are known to improve the quality of night-time erections, and night-time erections are good for the penis, that’s why they happen.

  4. To tadalafil, I haven’t built up tolerance. Over the years, I’ve never read any reports of tolerance to an ED med.

    Sometimes, part of rehabilitating pelvic ailments involves training the set of muscles known as the “pelvic floor”. Yoga trains everything, that, abs, etc. A physical therapist can prescribe exercises for the pelvic floor.

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