For me with social anxiety I used to shut down almost completely and talk very quietly, but now I seem to have gone the complete opposite direction and am over enthusiastic. No middle ground. So I feel like I’m perceived as non-genuine because of how ‘excitable’ I am. I want to chill out a bit and tone it down so I can have a genuine conversation but I feel like I use over enthusiasm as a safety behaviour, it’s a way of me trying to come across as very happy, friendly, open and interested but I think it’s too much and puts people off. It’s my automatic way of acting though so it’s hard to change.. Anyone else here dealing with something similar?

  1. I’m not sure how old you are but I was really calm and collected in my 20’s. I’m 31 now and I’ve become like what you are describing. I realize when I’m doing it but can’t seem to stop myself it’s so weird and I don’t like it lol.

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