Hey so this guy that I go to uni with and I have been flirting back and forth when we see eachother, this has been going down for months. A few weeks ago at a party he pulls me aside and goes β€œI find you VERY attractive” (he was a little bit crossed but that’s just your truest self imo). After that I slid in his dms and we flirted some more, I was the last to text, haven’t heard much since. I want to go out but like super casual, nothing serious. How do I initiate without making him feel pressured and stuff. Help a girl out 😚

  1. Just ask him to hang out. Do something fun and goofy so there’s no real pressure. Go bowling. Go skating. Whatever is entertaining but preferably in a public setting. At least to start, depending on how it goes.

    Best wishes!

  2. My gf is taller and more built than I am, and she’s the one who asked me out. She looks like she eats puppies and could do the work of a forklift with her bare hands along with other stereotypical stuff like that. Yet when she approached me to make small talk and ask me out she was super shy but hid it behind a strong front. During all of that I didn’t feel pressured or intimidated at all. So unless the guy is some super timid guy who’s scared of his shadow, you should be fine.

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