What was your favorite album when you were in the 9th grade?

  1. Van Halen (1) – I was going through a VH phase (er…..phase 90?) in my guitar studies.

  2. The soundtrack from Romeo + Juliet

    Whatever happened to movies featuring a ton of pop music? Feels like every modern movie is just John Williams ripoffs.

  3. Hmm tough. Radio one by Jimi Hendrix or live from the Isle of Wite also by Hendrix.

  4. Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge by MCR because I thought I was a little edgelord as a teen lmao

  5. Beware by the Misfits.

    Back then I thought Glenn Danzig was the coolest motherfucker on the planet. I was in a punk band called “Red Scare” and wrote songs with names like “Kill a Commie for Christ”. I was the punkest kid in my town of 1,200 people out in the rural farmland of Pennsylvania lmao

  6. I dont know off the top of my head, but I think that was when I was in my Nirvana phase. Grew out of it quick, thank goodness. Nothing against Nirvana but some people take it too far with their love for them.

  7. led zeppelin iii

    turning point in my life was robert plants wail on the first track, the immigrant song. i was never the same after that moment.

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