Hardly 4 people responded to my first post that I made a few weeks ago. However those people were all very helpful to me and I decided to post an update anyway. Things have turned 360 degree since then. And I am feeling confused, overwhelmed and all sort of other things.

So as I mentioned before I was insecure about the date because I’m going through a rough period in my life. When the week rolled out, my date stopped responding to my texts and didn’t say anything until Sunday (when the date was supposed to be). On Sunday at around 8 in the night he apologized and asked if we could reschedule. I was very upset and said no. I said no felt disrespected with him not saying anything up until now. That’s when the man broke down and began apologizing to me ! He said he was very sorry but he was too nervous to talk on phone (we had decided to talk on phone that week). Not only that , but he confessed to suffering from some mental health issues and that he was in therapy since 2 years. He said generally things are okay but the last few months have been rough, he also had to travel the next week and that made his anxiety spike up.

I was too surprised to respond but I was worried for him too. I forgave him and told him that he should never feel sorry about respecting his mental health first. I said that it would have been better if he had at least texted me about not feeling up to it but I understand and I forgive him.

Since that day things have been strange between us. We had a conversation on phone and I thought he was sweet.
A week later however, his father suffered from a sudden stroke. So right now, he is too busy working from home and taking care of his parents. He texts me once a few days sharing the general details or sometimes I ask him how he is pulling through this. To be honest, none of us are thinking about the romantic aspect of things because it seems as if the universe is not on our side. I’ve also not been able to come clean about my own circumstances in life with him because he has so much to deal with. I honestly admire him a lot because what he is going through requires a lot of strength.

Last night he told me I was the kindest person he ever met. And that he’d like for us to get to know each other better but maybe it’s gonna take a while to even get to that point. I didn’t know how to respond to that. In fact, I Still don’t know what has this become about. I just wanted to write it out somewhere to make sense of it.

1 comment
  1. He is not ready for a relationship. He might want to pursue one but he has many things in his life and in his head that he needs to sort out first. If you are comfortable with it, suggest being friends first and not make your friendship revolve around someday becoming romantic. It sounds like he dumps a lot on you and for two people that aren’t in a relationship and haven’t even gone on a date, that’s a lot. If you consistently tell him that you want him to communicate sooner about things and he just doesn’t pull through then that person doesn’t make for a good boyfriend or even a good friend.

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