Hello, I am a 22 F. I recently graduated from college (almost a year now). Now that I’m in the adult world, I’m starting to realize I have no friends. I realized then when I wanted to do something during the weekend and I asked my best friend and she said she had work and couldn’t. When I asked myself who else can I ask, I realized I had none.

Don’t get me wrong, I have friends but none that are close enough some are in other states or upstate (not in nyc). So, if I wanted to hang out they wouldn’t be available.

I was thinking when I start working I’d make friends but my job is remote so little to no interactions with coworkers…

How do I start making friends in NYC?

  1. Well what are your hobbies ? Sports, reading , cooking etc etc. Look for clubs around them. And I know this is generic af advice but you need to find what you like doing and start doing it. Me for example I like reading so I go to the bookstore often. Didn’t make a lot of friends there but the 1-2 I did meet we do stuff like sharing books and comparing notes on authors that we like. It’s really the simple things.

  2. I’m a Londoner but I feel like the same social construct applies. So this is what I would tell a friend IRL.

    Social events are the way to go. Especially ones which **you** are genuinely interested in. Say for instance you like pottery, go to a pottery making class. You like Tennis? Go sign up for a club. Fan of running? Join a running group their are tonnes. They are actually pretty fun and you get to meet a bunch of like minded people who share the same interests as you!

    Often time if you friend one person they will introduce you to their friend group and then bam, before you know you are friends with a group of people. If you wanted to take it even further you can become friends with *their* friends too. That’s how mutual friend lists grow. The first step in these things is often the hardest but honestly don’t stress over it, just have fun, be yourself, and it will come naturally.

  3. I mean, I find living in NY an easy place to meet people, a harder place to make close friends! What do you like to do?

  4. The key is to find something where you can see the same people REGULARLY. So, that could be almost anything: a hobby, an interest, an activity, an adult ed class, a political action group, a volunteer group, an adult recreational sports team, an exercise class, a professional group, a young adults social club, a church group, volunteering behind the scenes for amateur local theater, so many possibilities. Pick one or two and start going! Then strike up regular conversations with people who look around your age, and be sure to do that each time you see them so you develop a rapport.

    Friendship starts there. Good luck!

  5. Yea I’m dealing with the same thing right now,im 20 and work with people who are 40+ years old I graduated 2 years ago and no one has bothered asking how I’m doing or wana go do something. Tho I’ve found an outlet for myself through online video games and it’s helped me make friends. I met someone in a game called overwatch last year and she introduced me to 2 other people and now we all talk every day tho none of us live in the same state we sometimes take a few vacation days and go spend time with each other. I fucking love the internet

  6. I’ve been in your position. Can you share a little of what you like to do? Maybe if we have some activities in common we. Would go out and see if we vibe

  7. Hi. Native New Yorker. I would recommend seeking out groups that have similar hobbies to you. For example, if you like running, I would recommend joining a running club. Personally, I have made friends through improv, soccer, and dancing. I would also check out meetup.com as a good place to start. Hope this helps

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