I have a family friend that I’ve known literally since I was 5, now being 22. For the past 3 years, we would always see each other and do things together, kind of like sisters. At the beginning of last year, I introduced her to a distant friend (maya) who clung to her very desperately. At first we would all hangout together and it was fine, but as the months went on, (maya) that I introduced her to started to take up more and more of her time ( always going to her house, always hanging out with her family, etc ).
My ff does not know how to set limits in her personal life both in relationships and friendships as she is too giving and maya would take advantage. Over the second half of the year, my ff stopped inviting me over, texting me, communicating which she said was just due to her being busy, but the other person would be with her 24/7.
As a family friend, I know we’ll always be related, but it still hurts as I don’t know what directly caused the drift. Any advice on moving past it or dealing with the situation? Thanks

1 comment
  1. Whatever the family friend’s reason for drifting away, it’s really her life to live and her choice to make. I think she’ll always part of your circle due to the family connection, but right now her orbit is more distant. That’s a signal to you to move on and create new friendship connections at a time in your life that is perfect for that.

    So reach out once in a while to see how she is, but go full steam ahead making new adult friendships. It’s time to do that, and this is the perfect motivation to get you moving in that direction. Think of it as an Unexpected Life Blessing or something, that is getting you to do what you need to do anyway.

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