I lived most of my life in isolation due to childhood trauma and social anxiety until this year. I have been going to university for 4 months now and just started to experience life. Having friends with common interests to hang out, having a social life, etc.. But because I lived most of my life in isolation I lack stories from past to tell. I have interesting things, Interests and events going on in my life since the start of university but I have literally 0 memories from the past. Will that be a problem If I start dating now ? Does that make me too boring to date ?

  1. Your past is past, do stuff now and make some memories.
    I have tons of stories and memories but really, shouldn’t share too many, I’m not that person anymore, I want to be with someone less wild than all that 🙂

  2. Im in the sami situation as you so im not gonna lie: yes, it will be hard butnot impossible, just keep trying

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