Does anyone else’s boyfriend pretend they’re blind?

My (22f) boyfriend (26m) will randomly pretend to be blind when he’s talking to me, trips over objects, and walks into doors & walls. Should I consult a doctor for him? Idk if this is gonna work out anymore we’ve been together for a year.

  1. Like people do when they imitate Stevie wonder or like thinks he really goes blind? What’s he say or do that specifically tells you he went blind?

  2. People do weird shit sometimes

    It’s generally not permanent

    Try emulating it to see what the rave is

    I have not experienced this in particular but I have dated many with odd forms of humor, defense mechanisms, and habit forming jokes/sounds that get exercised until exhaustion.

    Currently dealing with farting noises with girlfriend. She was making them. Now I’m making them. Neither of us can quit. Farting toot noises attached to everything all day. It’s not terrible but like sometimes I think about how odd our presence is from the outside and makes me smile a bit.

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