Hi everyone. I wanted to vent that I am self conscious about my teeth. Because of this, I can’t talk to people with confidence and get anxious about people judging me. Unfortunately I cannot afford to get braces to fix at this time. Do my teeth really look bad?

Here’s a photo of my teeth:


  1. i wish i had a gap i think they’re the cutest feature a person can have. you shouldn’t be self conscious they look glamorous imo

  2. Naw. I mean, it’s noticeable. But the thing is, if those teeth were perfect, you would be self conscious about something else. We all have our internal list, and when we focus on one element on that list too much, it becomes this magnet for anxiety to rally around.

  3. They’re not perfect but they definitely aren’t terrible. Certainly isn’t going to ruin your looks or whatever

    You keep them clean which is the most important thing for most people. People can’t help how their teeth are shaped but they can still take care of them.

    To me they would really not be a big issue when judging someone’s overall look unless they were not looked after

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