How would your therapist describe you?

  1. If I had a therapist, they’d probably describe me the same way my old HS guidance counselor did: “lots of potential but needs to apply himself” 😂

  2. I don’t have a therapist, but the notes from the 6 sessions I had mandated from work some years ago said “formidable”. I’m not sure if that was a good or a bad thing.

  3. Useless, apparently. Told me i should ‘rethink’ therapy because i’m not getting better. cunt

  4. He’s told me on multiple occasions that I’m an “interesting” and “intriguing” case. He said that he has to completely change the way he does things with me compared to his other patients.

    I don’t know if I should be glad or sad about this.

  5. That I’ve absolutely got to let go of my shit childhood to be free of it to the extent that it’s possible to do so.

  6. Obstinate, probably. Don’t have one right now because they always tried to force bullshit down my throat and offered nothing of actual workable solutions/ answers.

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