So my previous ex drunkenly called me last weekend and led me to believe she was with 32m. I was under the impression he was in a committed relationship with my recent ex 38F. I’ve chosen to step aside and not inject myself while she is pursuing this relationship. I don’t want to take her happiness from her. But the story I’m being led to believe doesn’t line up and I think she has told me a fib in hopes I would try and sabotage this relationship. That word would get back to 31F via 32M and thus 31F would potentially seize any opportunity that I and 38F ever rekindle. Or am I just over thinking? Should I let these cards play out on their own? I want 38F back in my life for good. But currently feel like I must stand by idly.

The story is this. 38f is out of country for spring break. As per usual.
I text 31f asking to hang out. Play some cards. She can’t. She’s out partying with her girlfriend and 32m. She states he hasn’t mentioned anything about 38f. 31f calls me hours later asking to hang out. Then she needs help. Then she needs a ride. Then never mind. Text me moments later asking for 38f address. I decline.

A sobering call in the morning reveals some personal information only 38f would’ve known. Meaning she had to have shared it with 32m and 32m to 31f which confirms he was actually with her. The call also revealed that the 2 of them had gotten physical and that 38f would not be happy if found out. 31f wanted to confirm I would not say anything about it to anyone. I agreed. Not my business. The call also revealed that 32m got a dwi. But was not arrested. But booked. Vehicle impounded. And then brought back to 31f home by the police. One of the officers being the ex husband of 38f. Also worth noting 32m requested being dropped off at 38f home to the ex husband but was declined. And was certain his relationship was over because 38f would certainly find out.

Some of it sounds believable. Some of it doesn’t and I don’t know what to do if anything at all.

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