What’s the best way to think positive or otherwise not have bad thoughts?

  1. Gratitude practicing.

    I try to do it every evening before bed. If something bad happens to me or if I am feeling anxious or depressed, I try to say out loud the things I am grateful for. I thank for all the things I remember of. For good friends, for good parents, for the job that I have, for being able to have food every day etc. Even for the small things like this bed, pillow, chair…

  2. I try to focus on the good in my life and keep telling myself that there are things that are just out of my control and I can’t worry about them.

  3. It may seem counterintuitive, but it is trying to find every positive you can in any situation, unless the negatives vastly outnumber the positives.

    A stretch of an example is being chased by a psychpath, no point in looking for positives there

  4. There’s a kind of mantra of something that comes from Sanskrit which is “are my thoughts useful? how do they behave?” Very effective at stopping negative or intrusive thoughts. There’s a TED talk about it.

  5. I find that eating well and drinking plenty of water influences my mood. Also, engage in activities that serve others. Do volunteer work or help out at local rescue/aid organizations.

  6. Seems simple but writing out a plan for the next day the day before on just one or two things that you could do, should do and will do to make your life better and practicing gratitude every single morning.

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