So I matched with this woman, we’ll call her J, over the weekend. Conversation flowed so well we set a date for the following night (Sunday)

She actually texted Sunday morning to confirm, then followed up a few hours later after no response (slept in). Called her to assure her were still on.

She ran a little late, even said it was spiking her anxiety. Reassured her it’s fine(legit reason. ) Chemistry was obvious from the start, our values are aligned and as introverts we were pretty shared a lot about each other.

Night ended after leaving the Irish pub, walking around town a bit looking for something later. We walked back to our car, her taking my arm along the way. Ended with a good hug,, offered each cheak with a big smile. She said she hopes to see me again soon.

She then texts me about an hour later saying she felt like an asshole for the awkward hug. I told her that the hug was great, thought her visable nerves were cute.

She then lol’d conceding she wa pretty nervous. And, that she’s clearly not used to attention and affection…

This is her first date (and first online date ever) out of a 9 yr relationship, and she’s hot. Not for lack of interest. I too recently ended a relationship, though it’s not my first date and I’m well versed in OLD

This is where I may have mistepped.

So,i said’ when you’re ready, there will be plenty it (attention & affection), don’t worry about it J 🙂 ‘

She didn’t respond, which I didn’t think anything of at the moment bc the prior nights convo ended similarly.

No text yesterday. Just texted around 9 cst saying good morning and asking how it’s going so far.

It’s a workday, so I’m not overly concerned but I am concerned that last text may have been too bold. Was trying to say we can go her pace.


Thoughts? If I don’t hear back in a day or 2, gonna try to clarify . Have other dates / interest this week but I I’d to see her again

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