I have this friend that l’ve hooked up twice with, one sort of recently & It was never anything serious. While we’ve only actually ever hooked up twice, we have made multiple plans to hook up. A few times, I realized that he was secretly in a relationship and was contemplating cheating on his girlfriend with me. We were supposed to get together recently and it happened that it never came to fruition. I guess he must’ve gotten another girlfriend, so he’s fallen back for now.

NOW, he has a guy friend (also 26 M) that has been interested in me and we even talked a few years back, before I knew they were friends, and things just never went anywhere. We just started talking again and he’s a great guy, but there’s a voice in the back of my head saying that I would be wrong for starting something with this guy since l’ve slept with one of his good friends.

Guy A and I hooked up long before Guy B was in the picture, but it still feels like I’m messing with “Guy Code.” If things get serious with Guy B, I do plan on telling him, but is that too late? Should I tell him now? Should I even be entertaining him knowing that l’ve been intimate with his close friend? Am I overthinking this whole thing? HELP. Thank you for any advice.

Should I (25F) continue to talk to my old hook-up’s (26M) close friend (26M) or should I leave this situation and find a new guy altogether?

  1. Does the new guy know that you did the nasty with prior guy? I think that’s more relevant than you worrying about whatever code between them.

  2. Guy/bro code doesn’t exist. Anyone who un ironically references it not worth dealing with in any capacity. Personally I don’t believe you have to name names.

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