How long would you want to know or date someone before you consider marriage?

  1. A few years, minimum. I’m in no rush to be married but I need to know that you’re going to be consistent before and after. Be the same woman I fell for, and don’t withdraw and get lazy and comfortable after marriage. Because I’ll be working my ass off to keep what we have alive and that’s why I expect that from you too.

  2. We dated 5 years. Then married. I knew the good, bad and ugly. Celebrating 25 years married this year. 30 together. Still adore him.

  3. At least 1-2 years, with at least some of that either living together or spending extended time together on a long trip or vacation together.

    I took a long road trip once with a woman that I thought I wanted to marry. It was clear by the end of that week, that we weren’t gonna make it. Many people have that story about when did you know she was the one, this is the opposite of that.

  4. I would consider marriage about a month in probably but I wouldn’t propose for a few years at least

  5. I’m going on 10 years. Wasn’t truly confident marriage was a good idea until I saw that we could live together for a few years. Still not in a hurry so we’re just waiting until its convenient

  6. If I had to draw a hard line, 2 years. 1 year of dating, 1 year of living together. And that’s the bare minimum.

  7. Everyone and every relationship is different. I was with my first wife for 3-4 years before we got married and it was an absolute disaster. My current wife and I got married a year after we started dating and I’ve literally never been happier or felt as strongly for anyone as I do for her.

  8. 10 years minimum at this point. My ex betrayed me after 8, and I guess 2 years on top of that should be enough to develop some actual trust, as long as I see no red flags during those 10 years.

    Phah, but that’s just a thought. I know I’d never get into a new relationship.

  9. Personally, marriage would never be an option. Too much risk with little to no benefit. The entire institution should be removed and discarded.

  10. I dated mine a year before I moved her in with me, then lived together 2 more before we got married

  11. However long it takes before I feel comfortable doing so. It’s not set in stone and depends entirely on countless of factors.

  12. If we’re dating long enough for it to be a serious relationship, then I’m already considering her for marriage.


    I would never want to marry someone without having known her for at least 2 years fairly well, though, if that’s what you mean. Even that’s uncomfortable to me and a compromise because I’m not 18 anymore and only have a limited portion of my lifespan left before I’m just another old fogey.

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