What are the most underrated jobs that pays fairly good ?

  1. UPS driver, if you’re willing to put in the work. 6 figs if you’re a senior rank there.

  2. All the tradesman (plumbers, electricians, carpenters, etc.) seldom get their due respect.

    But they make good money…. and if I had to cull society, I’d keep the tradesmen and cut the doctors, lawyers, and similar “respected” vocations.

  3. 6 figures in any small business you create in fairly easy if you enjoy what your doing. Just being an effective communicator can earn you 6 figures within five years in any career field

  4. This is impossible to answer without knowing what YOU find interesting.

    Like yeah, I could go learn CS programming and make more money, but I already know I would be unhappy doing it. Same with being a doctor, I got queasy on dissection days, even if I did find the science interesting.

    The job is only underrated and over paid if YOU love it. For everyone else, it’s a miserable daily grind.

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