We have a friend that met a girl that no one in our friend group really likes for him, we think shes changed him for the worse. They met about 6 months ago and at first she was in a relationship with a military guy but she was pursuing our friend and shed tell him that shes not really feeling the military guy anymore but felt some type of way leaving him because they basically let the girl live there for free because she was the girlfriend of the homeowners brother. One thing led to an other and she left him to be with our friend 3 months into the relationship shes basically all moved in and she brought a cat and two or three dogs with her so that kinda annoyed our other friend that lives with him also and when she moved in she kinda pushed out our friend out the house inadvertently because they would use his bathroom to shower their dogs, just be loud in general when having sex, and just kinda leaving the house a little dirty and just not really being aware of how they’re not really being considerate of said roommate (our friend). Not to mention the rent was still 50/50 after she moved in and our friend really thought it should’ve been 33% each or even 60/40 so he pays less because he brought a girl to live with them. Our friend that lived them ended up just kinda leaving and staying at his new girlfriends house, he kinda just gets clothes and leaves them two in the house by them selves. She also ended up quitting her job after a few weeks into her staying at our friends house and basically left him to pay everything of theirs and she had a newer car so Im assuming he picked up that bill too. Also when she moved in she brought her pets like I said and bought a dog on craigslist or something just to have locked up all day, it was one of those blue heeler dogs and they didn’t know how hyper that breed was so he kinda would tear up the apartment, so they ended up just putting him in a closet when they would get fed up w him and eventually sold him for than what they bought him for and they were like bragging about it in a way and they were talking about more dogs on like marketplace or craigslist to flip and sell.
They had control of this liter of puppies and the first thing I thought is I hope they’re taking care of them accordingly and ended up finding out that one of them died under their supervision and it didn’t surprise me one bit. While they were beginning to talk and become a couple his dog ran away and that was one thing he lived his dog and he was a mutt so he was kinda an ugly dog and had an under bite and it was just one those dogs that are ugly and so nice and sweet and intelligent and he loved him and would get mad when someone would make a joke of him being ugly or like when they would fuck with the dog like temp him with food or something he would be “yo chill” and then baby him and so his dog ends up running away and when I was talking to him about he didn’t seem urgent to find him or even like distraught that it happened, it seemed like he didn’t even want to talk about it in a “non interested way “ not a “it hurts too much to talk abt” way and it just really threw me off. Once I found out more about the girl I thought it had something to do with her being in his life now and then getting new dogs and him not even caring kinda just replacing him, and not to mention they had a hyper ass blue heeler so they decided to get a great dane puppy too… in a town home house… like he just isn’t thinking straight it seems like to me.

The girlfriend also doesn’t like our friend group mostly the women of the group because the girls were not nice to her, bc the girls tried being nice and welcoming at first but they switched up on her because she kinda is a little stuck up and just dry and never seems to want to be around us when she is. The guys of our friend group on the other hand are still cordial with her and we’re nice even though we know she doesn’t really like us and we feel like shes horrible for our friend.
She has influenced him to dine and dash, we were going to eat one time and we had to go to an other location of the restaurant, further out the way because they had dine and dashed not too long ago at the one we were originally going to, and it was way out of the way of where we were. We were annoyed but mostly like wtf, why are you doing dumb shit like that man, he’s not really the type of person to do that and we know its most likely because she influenced him to do so, and we also think she influenced him to do that bc they steal together from dept. stores, like medium priced things, like speakers or earphones, stuff like that.
And for the cherry on top, he got her pregnant and he would never have sex with her with a condom always raw, saying “nothing ever happened, so we just kept having sec without a condom” which doesn’t even make sense bc something was bound to happen and now he got a girl pregnant and he hasn’t even known her a full year. When he told us that his girlfriend was pregnant and that he was keeping it, it had me shocked bc hes an atheist and I really just think he wants to have a kid with the girl and Im happy for him bc he’s excited about it and hes a very caring person and I know hell be a great dad, we all think he would be and we told him that and we were talking about its crazy that hes going to be the first dad of the group. We worry though that hell later regret this in life becoming a dad so young but mostly becoming the dad of this girls baby. From the beginning we thought she was bad news bc she was technically cheating on her military boyfriend with our friend and ended up leaving the boyfriend while he was away, to be with our friend.

I really wanted us to like her also because me and him were the ones that never really had girls or had luck with women that we were interested in just because, and I got a gf n then we were just waiting for him to get one bc like he was due you know? We wanted him to be happy n with a girl, and once he got one we were so fuckin excited for him and just joyful, but then she ended up being so much trouble so it really comes from a place of worry, what do we tell him or should we just leave it alone?

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