I’ve been reading a lot on this subreddit about break ups and it seems like there is no good reason to breakup with someone ever?

Exhibit A: From people asking “Should I break up with my bf/gf because of xyz?” there are always comments saying “yes, that is a valid reason, any reason is a good reason.”

Exhibit B: For those who say “My my gf/bf broke up with me bc of xyz” they get responses along the lines of “That person is so selfish. Find yourself a better person. They did your dirty etc”

I’m just currently so confused as to what even constitutes as a reason to break up with someone now because it seems like you can never do what’s “right.”I am currently thinking about breaking up with my bf and don’t know if I should… Any insights?


\[also posted to relationship\_advice\]

  1. Because as people we tend to empathize with the person who’s speaking. So if you’re wanting to dump someone, any reason is good, and you’re the good guy. If you’re dumped, any reason sucks, and you’re the good guy.

    The reality is you can dump someone for any reason because you don’t want to be with that person, and you can get dumped for any reason because that person doesn’t want to be with you

  2. It really just all depends on the person. Everyone has a different threshold for the level of disrespect they will tolerate. Some things are automatic triggers for some while they aren’t for others.

    I for example wouldn’t tolerate an emotional affair. For me if you’ve made that connection with someone it’s only a matter of time until it turns physical. Others however might not count that as cheating since no sexual activity was involved.

    Just all depends on what you’re willing to live with.

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