Long story short, I met this guy on a bus while I had a boyfriend. We broke up shortly after I met this guy (for unrelated reasons entirely), and that’s when I started texting him. He was super sweet to me. On our first date, he introduced me to his coworkers (he took me to look around the mall he works at) like he was showing me off. It was cute. I met with him a couple times at the bus stop outside my apartment complex, and he surprised me with matching bracelets for the two of us. On our second date, we got intimate and we were EXTREMELY vulnerable. I ended up staying at his place for two nights, where he asked “so are we like, together now?”, made all the food, cleaned all the dishes, and joked several times about me moving in/being a wife/etc. last time we hung out, he told me he’s “in lesbians” with me, as a reference to Scott Pilgrim vs The World.

The weekend after, I invited him over. That whole day he didn’t text me once. I sent a message about how he couldn’t just leave me hanging like that. later, he texted me to tell me he got kicked out of his apartment and he had to move into his brother’s place. I told him he should have told me, but I wasn’t mad at him. He didn’t offer to reschedule. He asked to come over after work, then he canceled because he missed the bus due to a work issue. Then the same thing happened again, though he came by the following night and stayed for two nights, which he cut short because his brother needed him to watch his dog.

He was supposed to come over tonight, but he flaked again. he didn’t end up working that day because he “lost his phone”. I asked if he was still coming over, he didn’t answer for three hours. He said it was too late and the bus wouldn’t run to his stop. That was at 8pm. I don’t know when the last bus over at his place is, but the public transport in our area run until 11pm. He asked if we could still go out tomorrow like we planned, but at the point i’m tired of the flaking.

TLDR: When I see this guy, he treats me so well. It feels like he really likes me, he says it a lotas well. but he always texts me back super late (3hrs-2days to reply) even when we’re trying to make plans, i’ve told him how these things upset me. he has flaked on me three times now, even if they were good reasons, i cant tell if he’s lying or not. he always says and does super sweet stuff for/with me, but then he does stuff like this.

am i getting played?

sorry this is written so poorly im high rn lol

1 comment
  1. I would hang out with him tomorrow, but I would tell him how you feel about him and see how he reacts. It sounds like he is going through a lot, but the thing is, if someone wants you, then they will make time for you.

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