Not totally an introvert, an ambivert probably. I am selectively social. 99% of the time I am okay and I enjoy being alone but I guess I am at the 1% right now. Dating is hard nowadays especially for people like me who’s lifestyle is considered “quarantine” to some. Lol. Are there any subreddit lounge for those who are looking for someone to date really? Or just trying to make new friends and see where it goes? Tried dating apps but there are lot of bots, scammers or fake accounts. How do you organically meet people inorganically?😄

  1. Someone made a website for Covid meet ups. I think it’s literally or something like that, it’s kind of cool you can search in your area for other people and on their little profile it lists if they’re vaccinated or if they wear masks or if they work from home or if they have kids etc. Most of the people in my area that have signed up artist parents looking for play dates with their kids so it hasn’t been helpful for me looking for dudes, but maybe it will catch on with the singles

  2. My boyfriend is an introvert and I met him on an app (tinder of all things lmao). The thing is: though he is an introvert, he goes out of his way to make plans or just to invite me to go to his house and watch a tv show. We go to parties sometimes, which I know he doesnt love, but he makes an effort because he knows I love being sociable and do stuff.

    Our relationship only works because he doesnt have a “quarantined” lifestyle when it comes to me. Yes, he doesnt love big groups and sometimes needs his time to recharge, but he never rejects my plans and I also dont ask him for more than I think he can take it (for example, the othe night I went to a club with him and our friends and the day after I just let him rest and spend some time alone, and invited some friends to go to a party I really wanted to go).

    The apps are probably your best option, as you wont have to go to bars and parties. But please try to show the girls you date that though you like being home, you will make time for them and include them in your lifestyle.

  3. I used to be super introverted and still kind of am. I used to spend nearly 100% of my time alone. But I’ve been making a point to spend 1-3 nights a week with friends now because I realized a social life is important. I’ve met a lot of people through those friends in the last month alone. Most of us are introverted but we’re all extroverted together lol. If that makes sense. I will probably eventually meet someone through those friends. And in the meantime I’m enjoying the company.

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