I met up with a guy from Grindr, he sent a dick pic and it looked normal. When we met up I went down on him and about 30 seconds into the blow job I noticed he had a wart at the base of his penis, which I had made contact with.

I left and put hand sanitizer on my hands and on my face because I wasn’t near a bathroom. Idk what I should do. I’m a guy, I have the HPV vaccine. Am I going to develop some sort of STD or warts on my face?

  1. Go to a clinic and get checked just in case. Planned parenthood can do a std test for any gender if you don’t have insurance. Talk to a professional.

  2. The HPV vaccines are highly effective against the strains they protect against, but it really depends on (a) which HPV vaccine you had and (b) what strain of HPV your partner had.

    Even if you do get warts, though, they can easily be removed at a doctor’s office. The strains that cause external warts are not the same ones that lead to cancer. They are a nuisance but not a major health risk.

    I’m really sorry this happened, though. It’s pretty shocking that he wouldn’t tell you about the wart in advance. Here’s hoping your vaccinations will protect you.

  3. from what I understand, the large majority of species of genital warts do not like the skin on other parts of the body. I would guess the chances are low of a transmission, especially in a glancing encounter

    Last i knew they don’t really have tests they administer for warts on external skin like the penis and face.

    I believe that most of the species that are protected from by the vaccine actually lay flat and are typically not visible to the eye. Most of the visible ones do not actually cause cancer, so they don’t tend to be a part of the vaccines.

    So I think the chances are low, if you did develop them it would take time and I don’t think going to a clinic now would really do much of anything – though it’s possible they might be able to reassure you or give you suggestions about things that would make the skin less hospitable.

    But I am 50 – I’ve had a pretty sexual life, and I don’t think I’ve run into people ever who had genital warts spread to their face. (the interior of the throat is different, but that is almost always from going down on girls instead)

  4. Are you positive it was a wart and not a skin tag? Did you have a conversation about potential transmission of any STIs prior to contact?

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