I’ve been dating my boyfriend for a little over 6 months now and he’s found his style over the time we’ve been dating. This includes piercing his ears, decorating his room with flowers/plant wall decor, and wearing bright and colorful clothes, some being women’s items. I adore everything he chooses to wear and decorate but it came to my attention that both of our parents think differently.

A recent conversation was overheard by his parents saying that I’M the one controlling him and forcing him to choose much more feminine things, which is untrue. His parents are deeply Catholic and it has been a common family issue that the kids are judged for choosing something outside the boundaries of traditional gender roles.

I’m writing an essay about this issue and the overall belief of traditional gender roles so it got me thinking if this is also an issue for other couples. I’ve never met a couple like us so I’m reaching out to a larger community to hear your thoughts and if anyone else has faced backlash from parents just because their son has chosen to like things that aren’t masculine and vice-versa.

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