i (22F) am 5’10” and around 150lbs. i’ve always been extremely skinny and have never felt insecure about my weight until recently. i gained almost thirty pounds over the past three years being on birth control. i also have no boobs. i’m an A cup at best and have always hated having tiny boobs. all my friends have boobs and even my 15 year old sister is a full C cup. it’s my biggest insecurity besides my height since i am considerably tall for being a girl. i would love a breast augmentation but i can’t afford it since i’m still in college. i’ve been dating my beautiful boyfriend (24M) for 10 months now and things have been basically perfect. he’s blonde and 6’3” and extremely fit. he never misses a day at the gym. he is physically and emotionally the most perfect boy i have ever met and i’m so happy and in love with him. lately i’ve been struggling a lot with my body image. he often will say that he hates himself for missing a day at the gym here and there and will beat himself up over it. it baffles me every time because he has the best six pack and most perfect body i’ve ever seen. it then makes me feel shitty about my own body because my stomach is definitely not as flat as it was before birth control. on top of all of that i have been becoming more and more insecure about my boob size. i recently made a joke to my bf about saving up for a boob job to which he replied it would be “so awesome” if i got one. i was devastated. the person i love most in the world confirmed that my biggest insecurity was true. i feel like he could date any girl he wants and he’s now stuck with a flat chested girlfriend that doesn’t go to the gym as much as she should. i love my bf and i want to give him the world. even though he regrets what he said and apologized profusely for it, i know it’s the truth. he would be way more physically attracted to me if i had big boobs. i feel so guilty for not being perfect for the man of my dreams. im hoping to one day be able to afford the body that would give me the confidence to feel like the best version of myself. for now i guess i will try to work on my insecurities and make my bf as happy as i can without having the perfect body.

  1. A boob job isn’t going to get rid of your insecurities. A boob job is going to give you leeway to nip and tuck every single part of you that you dislike, but your insecurity will still be there. And if he wanted to be with someone else, he would be. But guess what? He’s not.

  2. I’d rather date a women with small breast instead of a women that got a boob job

  3. Ask him why he’s into you, make sure he’s honest. And get off social media, it ain’t doing people any good. Body dysmorphia is rampant these days.

  4. It’s all good don’t change a thing yet. Wait a few years will see what happens down the road.

    Be confident your good.

  5. I don’t mind being genetically thin, it makes building muscle quickly noticeable.

    I don’t mind my small tits (hardly an A cup), cuz I can run without having them weigh me down or bounce in my face! Also no boob sweat is great.

    I love being tall (5’9) because I can see better at concerts, more room on my body for tattoos, I run pretty fast, and I don’t feel like a child (my short friends feel like kids when in a group lol).

    Also, physically changing your appearance will not defeat your insecurities. Insecurities are fixed false beliefs about yourself, due to comparing to others (for the most part).

    You need to learn what you value (which it sounds like you value your looks over who you are as a person/as a girlfriend), and if you value something you don’t want to value (like your looks), you gotta go deep and ask all the “why” questions.

    Like, why do you value your looks so highly? Do you believe it makes you a better person? Do you like the attention you get from looking ‘good’? Do you believe that’s where all your worth lies? Do you think your boyfriend only dates you for your looks? (Which like, god I hope not, that won’t last long) Do you think good-looking people deserve more then average or “ugly” looking people? What if you woke up “ugly” one day, does that define who you are?

    Also about your boyfriend, if he truly wanted a bustier women, I’m pretty sure he would’ve left you and gotten one by now. But he hasn’t, so clearly it’s not that big of a deal to him and he probably just said it cuz guys are very visual beings. Communication is key to any relationship. Talk about it with him if it bothers you so much.

    You got this 🙂

  6. Your guy is a boob guy and likes big boobs but is with you because he loves you and all of you not just your boobs or fanny but all. That’s all the great things about you and things you may be insecure about. I’m as tall as you and got a boob job but I tell you what. After I had them done and they settled looking all nice, the novelty and excitement faded and I asked myself. Ok I have bigger boobs now so what? I felt not much changed lol! I just got bigger boobs! 🍊🍊

    I used to take contraceptives too and gained water weight but when I stopped, I loss weight again.

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