TL;DR: My gf (19F) and I (21M) have been dating for 1+ year (8 months ldr). She’s in her first semester of college and I just graduated. Our relationship has seen many ups and downs and we’ve also survived a break up. Lately, everything has been very rosy and we’ve been extra clingy.

But, today we were on call when she was applying to internships on Linkedin so I decided to send her a request. She immediately got very agitated and asked me to leave her profile. I didn’t think much of it and just laughed.

Tonight I noticed that she has blocked me on LinkedIn. I can’t find her profile from my account but I checked from my sister’s and she is still active.

I find this very odd. I’m not sure why anyone would block their partner on LinkedIn. In fact, we talk about careers in great detail as well. Is she embarrassed because she’s just starting out? I’m not sure. Should I confront her about it or just ignore it?

  1. I think a “uhh wtf” is reasonable. I don’t think you’re gonna like the answer. Your relationship history has way too much tumult for how little it’s lasted and this may be her keeping you at arm length.

  2. Talk to her about it, communication is key in any relationship. She might have a valid reason for blocking you.

  3. Yeesh, what world do we live in that 21yos need to care about LinkedIn…

    The fact that you’re asking us instead of asking her suggests that communication may not be quite top-notch for you guys yet. This is the kind of thing you should be able to casually ask about without it being a big deal or notable in any way.

    Chances are she’s embarrassed about something. Chances are it’s something silly.

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