What are you willing to trade for 100% quality sleep?

  1. OMG name it lol. I mean seriously good quality sleep is something I haven’t had in a long long time

  2. I think the list would be shorter if I made one of the things I wasn’t willing to trade. Namely my friends, my health, and my cats. Everything else is negotiable.

  3. A lot. I have fibromyalgia which messes with my sleep an incredible amount. I would LOVE to wake up feeling refreshed and well-rested more than once in a blue moon

  4. my autism – take the diagnosis and whole disorder please, no sensory issues, no delayed sleep and good sleep? yes please

  5. Apparently I’m not willing to trade wearing a c-pap machine to bed. It’s just so damn difficult to fall asleep with it on, and when you’re already exhausted missing a full night of sleep because you need to practice wearing the mask is a nightmare

  6. Name. It. In a damn insomniac who works really late but has to be up early every morning to take care of my kids. Seriously, name it.

  7. I have poor quality sleep because of a chronic stomach issue. So I would trade anything, literally anything, to not be sick all the time and get much more than quality sleep back.

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