I’m falling in love with a girl and every time I give her more attention. I don’t want to seem desperate and lose her. what advice could you give me?

  1. focus on yourself, don’t focus on the girl. law of attraction. when you focus on yourself, she will find you attractive and love you. if you keep chasing her, she’ll find you annoying and essentially tired of you.

  2. I gotta be honest, from what you typed in the OP this is over already. Have fun and see if you can learn something but don’t get your hopes up Romeo

  3. I’m in my mid 20’s and this still happens. Basically, always be in a position of strength to avoid it. I see other men insult/abuse their women and their women stay with them. I am not there yet but it gets more appealing every day

  4. You asking this question here shows that you can’t. So that’s that, you can’t.

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