It’s crazy because i remember a time in point where the level of social skills that I knew this job would require of me was giving me EXTREME anxiety like literally chest pain and trouble breathing.

Long story short I got a job at Las Vegas most popular night club as the doorman. Aka I’m going to be talking to 3000 people a night. I remember at first it was nerve wrecking a huge crowd of people surrounding me the room was hot everybody staring at you it was a nightmare, my eye contact sucked body language sucked and speech wasn’t confident

Eventually I got more comfortable was able to control the setting more and then eventually I got really good at my people and social skills, it used to be a MAJOR flaw of mine now I would say it’s one of my best traits seriously. I could have a conversation with litterly anybody about anything from all traits of life and I’m open minded and always serious but respectful

My advice for all of you is to put yourself in those uncomfortable situations there the only way to grow seriously. I PROMISE they will help you grow like no book or anything can teach you, throw yourself in the fire as soon as possible.

  1. Yeah, no. I’d get fucking CRUCIFIED by my employer, if I had to do a job like that. Mainly because I’d be so shit at it, and I would fuck it up each and every time

  2. Customer service jobs are the best for that. The exposure really teaches you to how to communicate.

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