I am craziest alive!

A girl(17), that is my(18) friend. We’re friends for about now like 9mo. And we used to meet in rikshaw while going and coming back from school. I always got better marks then her. She began to talk with me just bcz of study talks. And a day, I told her she looks so pretty and she’s my only precious friend. After that, bcz of yt playlist of short films that I’ve created, & she was interested in it. So for sharing it, we exchanged our numbers. Since then, we used to chat on whatsapp. And our chats were almost around 15-35mins. For some reason, she left the school. After that, we never met in person yet. And then our talks got less & even our studies are imp for both of us we can’t just chat all the time. So after that, we talk really very few for like a single time per 2-3months. But always I felt same way while having every single conversation-thrilling/exited. I’ve my first phone call with her a month ago. Before that call, my heart was almost came out of my body! And it was 28mins longer. It was for study stuff only. But turned out talking about how we were doing when we used to meet in rikshaw. I’ve lots of coincidences with her. Like when I was having a bad dream where she was there at the same day she was having a bad dream where I was present. We both end up keeping it suspense. She mostly texts me when I want to. Like i wanna text her and just thinking what if someone else would read it? At the same time her text arrived. (Bcz it could sound weird if anyone else read it and could be awkward if they take it in out of way. Everyone knows that she used to talk with for study stuff in her family. But not mine). And I always felt that something left to talk/tell with/to her when I reached home. I told her that and she claimed, she felt it too. She is the only one that got my compliment or I’ve complimented girl out of family. It was so hard for me to tell her that she looks beautiful in her school dress bcz (I was afraid) what if she take it in wrong way? I told her that day that she’s beautiful and she is really precious friend of mine. It was our just 5th or 6th chat. Sometimes she texted me just after reaching at home after- school and talking with me in rikshaw. & I liked it too. When I praised her, my heartbeats were on fire and she told me that her hb are high too.(idk but while typing/remembering it, my hert it fluttering). I’m overthinker and she is too. I’ve lots of imaginary scenarios of her lots of time and found myself lost in it while bathing and taken shower for around 30mins with totally unawareness. She told me that after leaving school she is going to tution now and it goes straight way passes nearby my home.( She can go in different way too. Which isn’t longer or shorter.)But she’s going that way. But yet we didn’t meet! & being really honest, there’s not a single day that I don’t have any thought about her since I met her. I already told her that I like her expressions and it’s so cute.

5 days ago, I passed nearby a girl who was standing nearby my home and I thought that was her. But I realised it just after reaching home. When I get back at gate, she wasn’t there. So I typed that “if I passes nearby you then right now text me” in the discription of that playlist. Right now my exams are going and that was my first paper that day. Important papers are completed and I’ve 4 days gap between next paper(held on 23march). So I was guessing when to ask her that she was that or not? Today or after the exam(my last paper is on 25march). Suddenly today (19march) her msg arrived. And I was totally surprised! We talked for more than 30mins. After some talk, She told me that she’s missing old days. And then told me she’s enjoying right now the weather (as it’s quite rainy right now. And I love this weather too. Then she told me we”ll meet a day. I said surely and farly. The she asked me: can I ask you a question? I said sure. She asked me…

“What did you consider me as a……”


(I can’t help myself to type this more shortly than this)

TLDR: She my only girl as a friend. It’s not that long friendship but despite it’s close! Suddenly she asked me via chat “what did you consider me as a?”. I am crazy bcz of it. She was asking me that what I considered her in past or what I’m considering her right now? What was I supposed to answer her?

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