Do you ever get bored of them ? if so, what can you do to treat this

  1. Watch trash tv. Shows that involve other people’s drama help you appreciate what you have as well as give you good shit to talk about as a couple. It can give you ideas of things to do, places to explore, and games to play.

  2. I never get bored of my partner but I do get bored of the routine together. The trick is to be good at finding ways to instill novelty – both novelty in your activities and also finding ways to see your partner in new ways. I love seeing my partner do hobbies I’m not usually part of, or going out to a bar and seeing other people check him out so I get to see him in a new way through their eyes. We love to travel and try new things together. You never quite get back the degree of newness that happens when you’re first together and everything is a discovery, but it makes a world of difference for sure.

  3. Not really. If I do get bored I just remind myself of how much anxiety I had before I found the level of stability I have now. Then I buy myself a new sex toy.

  4. You’ll absolutely get bored of your partner during marriage. A relationship takes work. You find ways to keep things fun and exciting.
    If you’re bored before marriage, don’t get married.

  5. We have a toddler so I’m more bored of the routine we have settled into. We don’t have date nights and sex is rare. I pretty much have to ask for cuddles and kisses.

    After he finishes work he takes care of our daughter so I can cook dinner, he baths her and puts her to bed then watches YouTube until he goes to sleep.

    The weekends are looking after our daughter, running errands and getting him ready for work the next week. If we have time we will watch TV or we play different video games.

  6. Am I ever bored? Not ever. If you’re bored, it’s on you to plan things to do together. Lemme give you an idea:

    A couple years ago, my wife and I decided we needed to get out more and get the blood flowing, especially in winter because we were living in the snow belt at the time. So we made a new year’s resolution that was one of the greatest things we’ve ever done as a couple.

    Each week one of us had to plan and execute one activity outside of the house. We alternated, her week, my week. The rules were simple: it just had to be doing something outside the house, pick any day of the week. There were no rules about cost or time, located indoors or outdoors. Just exit the house. And the other person absolutely **had** to go along cheerfully and willingly, *no matter what it was*. When it was your week, you had to think up something, always knowing that it could be something super simple and free, so no worries. Literally, a walk in the neighborhood was fine.

    It was a glorious year.

    That year, we did take a few simple walks in the neighborhood. We also went on a few hikes in the woods (even in snow one time), a few fun festivals, some events like a craft show, a fantastic Oktoberfest, art museums, the rock & roll museum, a baseball game, a hockey game, a weekend in Amish country, we went antiquing, we also went to an antique toy store, we did a charity walk, took a brewery tour, a couple rock concerts, the movies and more.

    And both of us coming with an open attitude made it so much fun every time. My wife did NOT want to go to Oktoberfest AT ALL. But she went along anyway and once there, she had a blast. We planned to have one beer, eat something and leave by 7. What actually happened was we got home well after midnight after dancing all night (not polka, they also had a rock band). The same things happened for me, so don’t shoot down ideas. Just show up with a smile, a good attitude and be ready to have fun no matter what.

  7. Try to become a more interesting person myself, and take my partner along for the ride if she’s willing.

  8. Never bored. While I maintain date nights, we also view every opportunity as a “date.” I can have a very enjoyable day even if we are running around to do routine shopping. Make Every moment matter!

  9. No. But I do get bored with my life sometimes. But never him. He’s either driving me crazy or I’m really into him.

  10. Over the course of 50+ yrs I can honestly say no I have never experienced boredom with her, now with that being said I can honestly say I have experienced just about every other emotion humanly possible with her!!

  11. I don’t get bored. However, I am an introvert and I need alone time. He is an extrovert and likes to be around me, talking to me, touching me. Sometimes I find it a little overwhelming and I need like, 30 minutes to an hour to myself to decompress. It’s not that I am bored or don’t love him – I just need peace and quiet sometimes.

  12. If you read the crap people post on the sub you would think either people are so self righteous their delusional or they’re the perfect spouse ever.

    Everybody gets bored, every marriage has ups and downs, every marriage has periods where 1 person isn’t initiating sex, ever marriage has challenges but the thing is good marriages and partners know that the only way to move forward is communication and to work as a team. If you feel bored talk to your spouse. If they get offended try to show them why it’s important to you without throwing digs at the spouse. Maybe they’re other underlying issues causing your boredom but unless you talk about it nothing will be addressed.

  13. Whatever you do, don’t fuckin cheat. My dumbass ex though that was the answer

  14. No, I love him and we’re the best of friends. A trip to the grocery store feels like an adventure to me. Hopefully he feels the same about me. 😂

    When you’ve dated the worst, you appreciate having the best.

  15. Lol, my wife keeps me on the edge of my seat enough that getting bored is not an option!

    More seriously one of the greatest things about her is that she never stops surprising me. She’s like an onion in that she has “layers”. Much prettier of course, although she does bring tears to my eyes at times!

  16. Na, both the wife and I are fit, if she makes me go without for a few days I feel like im in high school again. Work out and eat right people!

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