I(23f) and I met Z (24m)on a dating app a month. Him and I shared a few FaceTime calls and we both agreed that we’d love to meet because there seemed to be a strong connection. Since we met the first time, we’ve spent almost everyday together. We’ve been hanging out for three weeks now, we spent at least four days a week together. We both confessed that we liked each other. This last week he has been very distant after he asked me to sleep over during the week. He even told me that his friends knew that he was super interested in and I even met a few of his friends. He even sent me his location the day before he started to become distant. The last four days he has barely spoke to me, maybe one text every 2-4 hours. He hasn’t been active on social media either. He agreed to see me this week, but he doesn’t seem excited. Am I getting ghosted or am I just giving into my overthinking?

1 comment
  1. Seems like he is distracted by something, he is not on social media much anymore means it’s just not you he is not paying any attention too. Maybe something personal happened.

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