Last weekend I went on a really nice date with a guy. We clicked easily and were even able to banter. So many parts of the date were good, but he displayed a couple of red flags I’m not comfortable with.

Some context: We were going to meet up super close to my apartment, so I told him I was going to walk. He insisted on picking me up. I tried to say I would feel bad having him drive across town to get me just to drive two minutes to our destination. (The walk is less than 10 minutes.) After him telling me I have a complex, I caved. While we were walking around, he started to belittle spirituality. I can give him some grace on this one because he has no idea I’m a practicing pagan. I don’t feel comfortable telling him now tho. There were a couple other things, but those are the two that are really bothering me. I’ve been in relationships with men that spend their time tearing me down and I don’t want that again.

I’ve always just ghosted people I’m not going to continue with, but I’m trying to not do that anymore. How do I say “you were great, but you have red flags I can’t ignore”? :,)

  1. Just tell him you enjoyed the date, but didn’t feel a spark. Then wish him well, and move on.

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