So about a month ago me and my girlfriend had an incident.While having sex my condom broke, I did not ejaculate but there was precum most certainly.She took a plan b 2 days after this just to be sure but I’m pretty worried that ovulation already occured and the plan b wasnt efective.Now her period is almost 2 weeks late but she does have a pretty irregular period.She also saod she feels tired lately and I’m just extremely worried that she might be pregnant.We are teenagers and Im really scared of this situation .I’m aware that plan b can cause delay to her period but i dont know if it applies if she took it and it didn’t work.oh and also she had brown discharge about a week ago.What are the chances of her being pregnant?

  1. Pointless asking about chances. Get a few tests she can take over the next couple of weeks

  2. Time for a pregnancy test. Brown discharge is usually my first sign that my period is coming, but it varies person to person.

  3. Was in a similar situation myself actually. Don’t wait to see if the period comes back, just get a test and then you’ll know. The worst part is not knowing.

  4. I understand your worried but at the same time many girls get stressed about it and end up making their period come late or skip a couple of months due to how stressed they are. Taking a test we’ll confirm it or not. Brown discharge is not really a huge concern. Best of luck.

  5. i got pregnant twice from pre cum lmao take a test and go from there only way to know.

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