i am not confident when talking to others, which makes me come off as really quiet. being confident is a struggle for me since i am a people pleaser. i just want to be able to be confident in myself so i can actually speak in groups and not worry about what others think of me. any tips?

1 comment
  1. Confidence is important, but the thing is, you need to have something to feel confident ABOUT. And you’re on the right track when you say you want to “not worry about what others think of me.” The most confident people say what comes into their minds (with a very brief pause just to filter enough to avoid hurting anyone’s feelings!), and they DON’T worry about what others will think. They can almost go “stream of consciousness” — whatever pops into their head (with Nanofilter), they will say. But they usually say it with a sense of fun, joy, enthusiasm.

    That’s the vibe you want to acquire.

    I wrote an article about confidence if you want a few tips: **[Confidence: How To Get It If You Don’t Have It](https://www.reddit.com/r/CPRForYourSocialLife/comments/10x82xu/confidence_how_to_get_it_if_you_dont_have_it/)**

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