How often do you speak to your partner, only those who don’t live with their partner?

  1. We are long distance and video call at least 2 hours every day plus texting. And ideally another video call in the afternoon if there is time

  2. Long distance

    We text daily, we speak over video call about once or twice per week

  3. Daily, videocall at weekends as much as possible.
    Text during the day about everything and nothing

  4. When I was living with my partner, we would text every day and maybe have a phone call once or twice a week.

  5. We text everyday, talk on the phone every other day or so and see each other once a week due to work schedules.

  6. Long distancer here!

    We’ll have like an ongoing conversation on instagram throughout the day or I’ll call him sometimes.

  7. I’m using “speak” loosely.

    We communicate daily – usually by text or messenger. We see each other mid-week most weeks because we go to a joint yoga class and then spend weekends together.

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