I have known this girl, we’ll call her Alice for privacy reasons, for a month. We see each other every Saturday because we go to the same preparation class for entrance exams. Basically we met on a bus station when two of my friends and I were joking around, so every Saturday we made a tradition that after the classes we’ll go eat in a mall and then go to Alice’s place. I think I really like her, she’s really touchy and likes hugs, like me. My friends aren’t of help most of the time because I had a similar situation a year ago and got rejected so I’m trying to be careful.
She’s not like that with everyone, mainly with me, she calls me cute all the time and like I said is touchy. I don’t know if I want to tell her that I like her because I worry about our friend group, that would cause an awful situation if she doesn’t feel the same.
What should I do?

  1. I would keep discovering if she is attracted to you or interested in a relationship. Keeping this in mind – in my experience, there is a small window where if you don’t make a move or express your attraction to her, you might be put in the friend zone. Are you able to hang out with her 1-1 or are your friends always there with her? Are your friends also as close to her as they are to you?

    Personally, I (28M) have always pursued women I was interested in. Some have ended in casual relationships, others more serious ones, and sometimes I was rejected. At the end of the day, I would rather be rejected and not have to wonder “what if I pursued her”. That’s just me though.

    It seems like a difficult situation navigating the friend group. If you really like her – I would try and casually and respectfully (with confidence) see if she would be interested in grabbing a coffee sometime just you two 1-1. If you ask her to do something, try and do it privately so its not awkward with your friend group there waiting for her response. If it goes well – talk to your friends about it after the fact and that you’re interested in her and if they are good friends, they will respect it. Don’t let a previous rejection mess with your confidence. Life is too short for all of that.

    Hope this helps mate 🙂

  2. If your friend group treats you badly after asking her out, then they were not your real friens or the friendship was not solid. So you can’t lose. It’s like a test of your friendship with the group. If they are fake friends you will know so you can move on from them and get real friends. if you alll mantain the friendship then you know it was real. Win win

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