my boyfriend and i have been together for 6 months. he’s usually been really good about texting me often even when he’s busy or at work. but lately he hasn’t been texting me good morning, hasn’t been initiating any convo over text, and ignores me when i text first. i could say good morning at like 7am and won’t hear from him till he calls me at like 9pm before he goes to bed. he works till 3pm and is home for the rest of the day and usually has no other obligations so i’m not sure why he stopped texting me. it’s not like he’s busy. i know he’s at home either watching tv or playing video games. then he’ll call me before he goes to bed like everything’s normal, talk to me for like 30 mins about random stuff (won’t ask about my day even if i ask about his first), then stay on the phone while he sleeps till the morning. when he wakes up in the morning he could easily send a good morning text after he hangs up our call since he usually wakes up before me, but he doesn’t. Even on the weekends when he doesn’t have work, he still won’t text me all day. i know he’ll text his friends and even call his friends throughout the day. and i’ll see him active on social media so i know he’s on his phone. but i dont hear from him at all.

i don’t think he’s cheating on me or anything like that, i trust him. but i don’t think i’m one of his priorities anymore or he’s just gotten comfortable in the relationship, not putting as much effort in because he knows i’ll still be there at night answering his call even if i don’t hear from him all day. i don’t know if this is normal behavior. to me, in my opinion it’s not. i love him, i can’t go all day without talking to him when i know he’s not busy. it’s been killing me lately. a couple days ago i didn’t hear from him all day and he didn’t call at night either and i got mad at him and i told him it hurt my feelings. he said i was “so attached” to him. i do get pretty anxious in relationships and overthink small things so i don’t know if this is a big thing i should bring up or just accept the minimal communication.

i would also like to mention that we live like almost 2hrs away from each other so i think communicating through text is pretty important since we don’t see each other often. i saw him last weekend and everything was great in person but when i got home it was back to ignoring me. and i saw him yesterday and it was also great again . he left pretty late last night to drive back home and i fell asleep so i texted him in the morning when i woke up to see if he was safe and got home okay and he didn’t respond all day. then called me at 10pm acting like he didn’t just ignore me all day lol. i don’t know what this means and i don’t know if it’s a big deal and i don’t know if i should brings this up to him. i would like to bring it up but i don’t know maybe nothing is wrong and i’m just overthinking…any advice is helpful and appreciated!!! 🙂

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