For me it’s when I see a white girl with Buddhist as her religion.

Edit: I understand white people can be Buddhist, I’m not against Buddhism, but when 1% of the US practices it that ratio is disproportionate on apps. You can like the ideas that doesn’t mean you practice. Hell I’m for almost all Jesus preached, but I’m not Christian.

  1. “47 countries and counting”. Makes me wonder how they’re affording all this time off and vacations working at Wal-Mart.

  2. probably like 90% of profile pics tbh; you don’t realize how abnormal the selection is until you finally see a regular ass girl with an unfiltered selfie looking normal as fuck, with a few other similar pics.

    85% are seemingly Disney/luxury-restaurant/travel addicts [ie: prob freeloaders].

  3. If I see “religion is important” or they like to talk about Politics. I’m good on you, sis.

  4. “Looking for the Jim to my Pam” is always an instant no. I was surprised how common that line is when I was on the apps

  5. I swipe left on women that talk about what they do/don’t want instead of talking about themselves in their profile. Maybe it’s petty but I don’t give a shit that you don’t like liars and want someone who opens doors for you. I want to know who YOU are.

  6. “don’t even bother if you’re below 5’10”

    I’m 6′ and no matter how pretty she is, she can piss off with that bs.
    Imagine if men started writing “don’t message me if you’re above 70kg”
    They’re be banned on dating apps lol

  7. I saw a screenshot on a dating subreddit of a chick saying if you had transition lenses to swipe left. I thought that was funny as hell and petty.

  8. “fluent in sarcasm”

    “looking for my partner in crime”

    “Jim to my Pam”

    “love true crime podcasts”

    “my moon sign is…”

    “I’m a guy’s girl – I like beer, football, …”

    Anything cliché. So that weeds out 99.9%.

  9. Any variety of, “just ask” “no one reads just ask” “too lazy to full this out just ask”

    Fuck that shit. GTFO if you can’t be bothered to actually participate.

  10. Name, city or descrption in russian. I live in Eastern European country, very common thing.

    Asians. Suspiciously many asian women around here, 99% fakes.

  11. If they have their children as their profile picture without them in it. I’ve seen it on fb dating many times. Like wtf kind of guy are you trying to attract you weirdo. Idk if that can be considered petty though.

  12. Pettiest?

    Probably if they don’t have any photos without a filter.

    Like anything else I consider an automatic swipe is a real compatibility issue including an empty bio.

    But the photos thing is just me saying “If you don’t think you’re pretty enough to show your face, you probably aren’t.”

  13. Polyamory. Open relationship. Fishing and hunting pics. Pics with them and other girls in every photo, not just one or two with family or close friends. It gives me “tryna disarm women and make them think I’m decent cos look at all these other chicks that hang out with me” vibes. Also pics with other people in every photo so that you genuinely can not tell which one is them. And the most shallow of them all, no smiling with teeth pics. Idc how bad the teeth are, but I wanna know beforehand. Which is kinda dumb because my partner now didn’t have any smiling with teeth pics, so I didn’t even follow that one in the end.

  14. THE most petty reason I have is if anyone is named “anu”. (A common name in India.) Met two extremely horrible people with that name who were just pure evil.

    So fortunately or unfortunately no other “anu” gets a chance to ruin my life now.

  15. Tired of women hanging their ass out in every pic honestly, There is so much tits and ass in the world for gods sake. Can you hold down a job or drive a car?

  16. A lot of these reasons in comments aren’t petty, they are standard preferences (like swiping left overweight or tattooed women) or avoiding red flags (like “if you’re not 6ft 6in” bullshit).

    My pettiest swipe left was a girl I knew from the year above in high school. She cut in line right in front of me in schools cafeteria 5 years before.

  17. “I’m bad at replying”

    “I get too many messages, I’m easier to get a hold if on Instagram. @xxxyyy” – obviously they’re just looking for followers…

    Any variation of “you text first”

  18. Oh, plenty of things.

    But my “favorite” is when her bio is a grocery list of expectations and nothing about herself.

  19. “I wont text first”- Bruh on apps like bumble, I sort of need you to text first or I can’t text you back 🤡

  20. ” I want a man that’s ambitious and generous”

    This basically means you gotta be rich and willing to spend on her….. Not on charity or a homeless shelter, just her.

    Duck face pictures are also an automatic swipe left

  21. “I’m a total bitch and I’ll ruin your life”

    Ok… I believe you.

    It’s ridiculous how women can write *literally anything* in their bio and they’ll still get a non-zero number of likes

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