I was having a conversation with a coworker about her friend who also happens to my ex and how she blocked me. Then I started to reflect a saw a good portion of my exes that have me blocked. I swear I’m not a bad person, always try to end relationships on a good note but end up being blocked still. One of my exes unblocked me trying to reconcile but I guess I didn’t say what she wanted to hear and reblocked me. This isn’t her first time doing this and I got to speak with her about it and she said she just gets too emotional wanted to detach herself from me. It’s just a bit frustrating because she promised not to prior and then later took it back and said she can’t promise not to. One thing I noticed was the relationships where communication was strong I wouldn’t be blocked but the questionable/weak ones I was. I won’t lie at best I’ll just mute an ex I still won’t block someone entirely. Your thoughts?

  1. I would only block an ex if she was being abusive. Fortunately I’ve never had to do that.

    Some people block exes just because any contact reminds them that the relationship failed and they don’t want to think about that. Others do it because a “friend” or a new partner pushes them to. So I don’t think being blocked by an ex necessarily means anything. It might, but it might not. I don’t think it’s a reliable indicator of anything.

  2. What do you mean by Red Flag? Some people do it out of immaturity, to hurt you. Others, like me, do it solely for themselves and it’s just one of our ways to move on.

    Object Permanence. Like they say – out of sight, out of mind. But honestly to care how they act on social media would be a sad waste of your time and thoughts. We all know how fake social media is nowadays

  3. Dude, who cares… if you don’t plan on reviving dead relationships it’s no use dwelling on the past and the fact they blocked you…

  4. I don’t generally converse with my exes, so I wouldn’t know. I don’t block anyone. If someone wants to talk to me, I talk to them and if we have history, I’m happy to hear from them.

  5. Block them?

    So they cannot see what they missed?

    The best revenge is living a good, long, happy life!

  6. One girl I met and broke up with was trying to get back in touch with me, when I know it’s not a healthy thing to do. So I just had to block her to help me not fall back into casual sex, feeling intimate but not being able to confide in her entirely because of differences in other things.

  7. I just got done dealing with an ex (f) reaching out to me to find “neutral ground” and telling me at the same time reconciliation was off the table. I entertained that for a week and even that was too long.

    It’s too painful to revive a relationship only to kill it again and go our separate ways. She sounded disappointed and sad when I told her I wasn’t interested in doing that.

    Bottom line is this: you owe zero to your exes. You stopped your obligation when the relationship went belly up. Their healing is not your responsibility in that case, and I’d even question it in a relationship based on the situation.

    I block, burn bridges and never look back unless reconciliation is on the table

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