What specific instance/memory/realisation has made you feel overwhelmingly loved?

  1. I’m pregnant with our first child. I’m miserable as well, being sick 5 times a day isn’t fun. My husband listens to my vents, ensures I have snacks, and just takes care of me in a way I never recieved growing up.

    I know my child will never endure feelings of being second best to addiction like I did throughout childhood.

  2. when I went back home after a long time and my granny had made me dishes i love and the way she brags about it to me, i cooked your favorites.


    I don’t celebrate much of any holidays, however, i got a pendant that i wanted few months ago on my study table by the person with whom i shared the idea of purchasing that sometime soon.

  3. My cousin coming to help me in the middle of the rain because I got a flat tire. My mom defending me from the “evil aunties” when they were talking sh*t about me. My boyfriend asking me what kind of soap I like and if I needed any “lady” products the first night I spent at his. My dad, every time he tells me she would support anything I do as long as Im happy.

  4. When I had a bad eye injury. I had family/friends reach out and send me cards, fruit baskets, and prayers.
    Things like that really shows you who loves and cares for you. I was so overwhelmed with love and thankful for people for any kind gesture they gave

  5. I was really close friends with my boyfriend before dating. Before we started dating, I had an ovarian torsion and he sacrificed so much time and effort to help me move, feed me, and keep he distracted. He spent time away from school and from his routine for weeks and sacrificed so much for me. I knew someone who would do all that for me with nothing in return but my comfort loved me so intensely and selflessly.

    Edit: grammar

  6. When my sister texted me and told me my niece (11 at the time) had had a really hard day at school and was dealing with bullies and that she knew I’d be able to give her good advice and listen. So my precious niece called me and we talked for a good hour, I listened and interjected advice where I could. I just love my nieces so much and really felt loved and appreciated that my niece thought of me and I was who she wanted to go to.

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