My girlfriend has been wanting to go raw for ages and so have I, but she can’t take birth control because it messes with her body.
But we are both prepared to risk it and just take a morning after pill. We also will wait till she is less fertile and go for it, what’s the chances of it working? Like 98% or something like that. Also I’m going to try and not finish in her. And we are going to buy it before hand and just have sex in the evening and she will take it ASAP in the morning.

Main reason I’m doing this Is because for some reason with a condoms I haven’t been able to finish, just had like pre cum I’ve tried regular and large and durex and skyn.

I just want to feel all of her.

  1. There are several birth control options and not all are hormonal.

    Yes it’s going to be a risk. The morning after pill will still have uncomfy side effects, it contains some of the same hormone as the pill too. It’s also less effective over a certain weight.

  2. The practical success rate of the withdrawal (“pulling out”) method of birth control [is estimated to be around 78%]( (or, a 22% failure rate). That’s not great. Do not rely on withdrawal alone for birth control.

    Reports vary a bit, but Plan B [has a success rate of 75-90%]( if used properly. Also not amazing.

    If you use them together, though, you’re in a situation where they’d both have to independently fail for a pregnancy to occur. That reduces your risk to around 2-4%. Only you can decide if that’s low enough for you.

  3. The morning-after pill is pretty rough on the system (can cause nausea and vomiting etc.) so it’s not really meant to be used as a birth control method except in cases of accidents/emergencies.

    She should think about non-hormonal birth control options and you should look into thinner condoms.

  4. This is not a great idea. She should be on some form of BC. Cycles can be irregular, you can’t use a period tracker app to predict fertility. There’s something called the symptothermal method that’s a bit more based in science but it takes a few months to learn how to do. It takes daily effort and a strong commitment.

    If she can’t get birth control at the moment, at least use 2 methods like spermicide and pullout. Definitely do not ejaculate in her without her being on some kind of birth control. But even this is quite risky, if you’ve never had raw sex before you could nut too soon without being able to fully control it.

  5. The morning after pill is hormonal birth control, so if she cannot take birth control, she can likely not take these as well. She might as well get regular birth control in advance, as it’s more effective. There is also the option of a IUD, or using a diaphragm/sponge.

    If you do try this, then the combination of choosing a (potentially) less fertile day + day after pill + pull out is going to result in a very low risk of pregnancy.

  6. You need to make a plan for how the two of you will respond if she gets pregnant.

  7. The other comments touch on the hormone issue. But also why would you wait until the next day to take the pill? That’s a whole night of risk. You should take the pill ASAP

  8. There are non hormonal BC options (diaphragm, copper IUD etc) that I recommend because Plan B is not to be taken lightly. It’s great for EMERGENCIES but it’s a boatload of hormones that you don’t want to be taking unless it’s absolutely necessary. I’d take proper precautions before hand if I were you

  9. There are non hormonal BC options (diaphragm, copper IUD etc) that I recommend because Plan B is not to be taken lightly. It’s great for EMERGENCIES but it’s a boatload of hormones that you don’t want to be taking unless it’s absolutely necessary. Also I’d say she’s likely to have a negative reaction if she cant tolerate BC. I’d take proper precautions before hand if I were you

  10. There are non hormonal BC options (diaphragm, copper IUD etc) that I recommend because Plan B is not to be taken lightly. It’s great for EMERGENCIES but it’s a boatload of hormones that you don’t want to be taking unless it’s absolutely necessary. Also I’d say she’s likely to have a negative reaction if she cant tolerate BC. I’d take proper precautions before hand if I were you

  11. Ugh, do a Google search for scarleteen and read up on all the contraceptive options. Plan B is literally a large dose of hormones that prevents ovulation so if she’s reluctant to go on hormonal bc over the side effects, she’s gonna have a bad time using plan b as a regular contraceptive. Also, how much is it near you guys? It was $50 near me last time I checked, so idk why you’re really considering it as an option.

    This is anecdotal but pulling out does not give you any heads up that there was a failure in the same way as a broken condom does and that presents its own issues. I had a friend who swore by his pull out game only to have to drive his wife to planned Parenthood a few months later for an abortion.

    There are non hormonal contraceptives methods available for women like the copper IUD. If you guys refuse to use condoms, she needs to look into those other options. Regarding condom usage, you can also try masturbating with one on to get used to it or adding a little water based lube to the inside for more comfort, etc.

    Plan B is called plan b for a reason. I would *not* use it as your primary form of contraception and it may not be very effective for her, if she’s over a certain weight. Be an adult and explore more reliable options.

  12. The morning after pill will “mess with her body” a lot more…
    There are also non hormonal forms of birth control (besides the condom) and lower dosage hormonal birth control. If you’re not mature enough to do your research (either of you), you’re not mature enough to risk pregnancy which is exactly what you’re planning to do

  13. The “morning after” pill should be taken as soon as possible after unprotected intercourse, you don’t have to actually wait for the morning lmao

  14. This sounds like one of the worst fucking ideas I have heard in a very long time.

    Sorry, just felt this deserved a blunt and honest answer based on all the horrible ideas and misconceptions conveyed in the post.

  15. This is such a bad idea.

    I suggest you start thinking with your head in stead of your genitals. I got my life to thank to the calendar and pull out method, so that says enough about the effectiveness.

    And then to plan to take the MAP just like that? Besides the risk, your story just doesn’t check out. she can’t do birth control because it messes with her body? MAP is also hormones that mess with the body. We had to take one once after a ripped condom and my wife (then girlfriend) was miserable as hell.

  16. Talk about what the decision will be if she’s pregnant. If either of you are uncomfortable with an abortion then you need to ask yourself if you’re ready to spend the rest of your life with this women and have children with her within the next year.

    She can also get an IUD. That’s a major decision since they last a long time.

  17. She could get fitted with a diaphragm and you can you it in conjunction with spermicide as an effective non-hormonal bc. I’d do this before stopping the use of condoms

  18. What everyone said, plus the morning after pill only works if she didn’t ovulate yet. How it works is that it stops ovulation for the next few days. However if she had already ovulated, it can’t stop it anymore and the risk of becoming pregnant becomes much higher.

  19. The morning after pill is not called the morning after pill because you take it in the morning. Christ almighty I can’t believe this. Take it asap

  20. My wife doesn’t use birth control either. We use condoms. Never had an accident. Calm your hormones and just put on a jimmy

  21. You need to have a conversation of EXACTLY what you two are going to do if she becomes pregnant. Pull no punches.

    And I’d add spermicidal jelly to the mix with other methods.

  22. There are other options. They have a spermicide she can inject into herself like a tampon about half an hour before sex. They sell them at most places that you can buy a plan b. Much cheaper. However I would suggest not trying it in the first place. If birth control messes with her body so will plan b and a baby. Plan b doesn’t always work. Plus once you do it once you won’t go back to using condoms and you will end up with a baby. It’s not worth the risk.

  23. If she can’t take birth control because it messes with her body then the morning after pill will mess with her too. Is her discomfort worth it to you just so you can cum in her? You can finish in other ways.

  24. Terrible idea. She will get pregnant. If condoms are too uncomfortable for you, try buying bigger ones that don’t squeeze your penis to the point of discomfort

  25. Get a vasectomy and have her get her tubes tied if you want to forego condoms. Then you can have all the “raw” sex you want.

    Unless the intention is for her to get pregnant, which will very likely happen, then you should stick to using some sort of barrier if you aren’t prepared for the consequences.

  26. During her monthly cycle she can get pregnant 5 days before ovulation and one day after it.

    The other days she cannot. It is just a medical impossibility.

  27. Where are you from? You need a consultation to get the morning after pill, I don’t think you will be given it in anticipation of having unprotected sex.

    Even if you pull out and time intercourse according to your gf’s cycle, there’s still a chance of pregnancy that’s higher than if you just use (any form of) protection. If you are willing to risk that chance and you have agreed on what to do in the event of a pregnancy, then it’s totally up to you.

  28. Ok if you care about her please don’t let her just take a morning after pill like it’s not a big deal.

    I know there’s stats in the comments section but my husband I use the pull out method when we’re not using condoms and 6 years and no baby yet. Perhaps one of us is infertile or he just pulls out way before he finishes and somehow that’s the trick. It’s the risk you take and if you guys are just casually dating maybe don’t test it… just get a better condom?

  29. Look into thermal contraception methods. It’s a masculine contraception, for some reason it’s not well known but it’s great. And if you wonder about it’s efficiency, when you use it you have to do spermograms regularly to make sure you’re good, so no risk.

  30. Precum has sperm. Plan B will only prevent ovulation if it hasn’t occured- if it has you’re screwed. Plan B doesn’t need to be taken in the morning. It’s supposed to be taken asap. This is playing with fire. There’s non hormonal options (a new gel that I don’t know the name of, spermicide, a diaphragm, etc) literally anything is better than raw dog and finishing in her. Don’t rely on apps (they’re not accurate). She should (at the least) pick up a copy of taking charge of your fertility, and temp (accurately with a basal thermometer first thing every morning without moving), track her cervical mucus, and chart for a few months to learn her cycle to determine when she ovulates, and then (and only then) when she has a really good idea of her cycle, choose a “non fertile time” to do this

  31. Plenty of people already outlined the whole morning after pill thing being a bad idea, etc etc, so:

    If birth control isn’t an option, a lot of people think IUD is the next best thing, but obviously it involves a bit of an operation and it’s scarier to get. (Like me – I’ve been putting it off year after year, might finally get one soon.)

    But there are other options too. I’ve been using a diaphragm + spermicide and it’s working just fine.

  32. So birth control messes with her body but you want to take plan b which is an even bigger dose of hormones?

  33. Are you in the US? I’d look up what your state says about abortion. I’d be very careful about this with all the abortion laws happening.

    Realistically, pull out method isn’t very safe and you two should expect the possibility of a baby even with less fertile days, pulling out, etc. There is always a chance of getting pregnant and some guys don’t even feel when they have a little precum. If y’all are ok with being parents, that’s one step down.

    The morning after is worse on the body than normal birth control control in my opinion (& experience). It’s also not meant to be used very often. There’s a reason it’s for emergencies only.

    Has she tried multiple forms of birth control or only one brand, hated it and doesn’t want to do it? I don’t know if they still make sponges or diaphragms, but those would options too. You’d still feel something, just not everything.

    But if you truly try to go raw and use no BC, be absolutely prepared for the possibility of a baby.

  34. > Me and my ~~girlfriend~~ *future baby-mama* want to try go raw but she isn’t on birth control


    > But we are both prepared to risk it and just take a morning after pill.

    Wait: low-dose, regularly scheduled hormones “mess with her body”, but an emergency, ultra-high-dose *of the same hormones* are the plan?

    That is such a terrible idea.

    Plus, what are you going to do _next week_?

    > I just want to feel all of her.


  35. Don’t do it. See for a comprehensive list of side effects. It’s only worth risking them if you’re having to avoid having a baby after the fact, not something you shoot for.

    My ex-wife got fucked by the “Common (1% to 10%): Alopecia, hirsutism” part – she started growing hair on her face that’s bothered her ever since.

  36. If she’s over 150lbs she’ll need to take 2 morning after pills. I know this because I just gave birth to my daughter who I took plan b to prevent 😂😅 happy to have her now tho

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