What do you look forward to in life?

  1. I’m talking either daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, etc?
    I’m in a funk right now and I’m trying to challenge my negative thinking patterns. Instead of “I have nothing to look forward to, I don’t have anything going on”, I’m trying to find things to look forward to like sips of fresh coffee in the morning, long showers, arts and crafts, etc. and would love inspiration from others!

  2. Every morning: Waking up to my dogs. They wake up every morning like today is the best day ever and has a million possibilities. And they’re not wrong.

    I also love spending time with them and seeing them happy.

    Another thing I look forward to is a little healing isolation ie I look forward to weekends where I can just shut off my phone and watch movies in my underwear, or dinners where I take myself out and just enjoy the experience, etc.

    Big general things:

    – Getting back into my hobbies. It’s been years since I ballroom danced, and I want desperately to get back into that. I also went through a period where I was extremely active, doing 2-3 gym courses a day, rock climbing, etc. I loved that. I want to get back into that. And I’m trying to work where I’m at a point that I can do that.

    – Traveling. I love traveling. I usually try to know what my next trip is by the time I come back from my trip.

    – Theatre. I adore theatre. I also always try to know what my next show is. I have three coming up this week.

    – Experiences. I keep a bucket list of experiences. When I’m down, I figure out how to knock one of those out – even if it will take time.

    I guess for me, the biggest deals are: 1. Having my dogs to wake up to every day and 2. Having something concretely planned to look forward to

  3. Currently: My online shopping packages arriving sometime this week lol

    In general: Upcoming video game releases. Spring coming up. Treating myself with some extra good food, a pricey wine bottle, a cake just because I can buy one. Browsing online stores for things I want and planning when to buy them.

    I’m mainly looking forward to the summer though. I have a bunch of travelling to festivals planned, which I’m stoked about even though it’s 3 months away! I’ve had hotel rooms booked for month and I just finished buying all the festival and travel tickets, now I just have to manage to deal with the long wait. And when they’re over, it’s probably time to start planning for the next tour! The love for live music always brings me new travels and experiences to look forward to, and I can’t wait.

  4. If I’m being honest, nothing. I’m kind of just waiting for it to be over.
    But on the rare occasion that I don’t feel that way, I look forward to simple things like naps or my favorite ice cream.
    I like taking walks too or just sitting outside to get fresh air.

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