Basically just asking if it’s time to call it.

We’ve been together for almost three years and I love him, but for the past few months it feels like he genuinely doesn’t care about me as a person anymore, let alone the relationship.

Recently I’ve been making some changes in my life; working on getting a better job (interview in 2 weeks!), currently working two jobs to save money, getting tattoos that I’ve wanted. It honestly feels to me like he’s unhappy about the direction my life is going in. Ever since I started getting excited about my future, he seems to be getting more distant.

For context as to why this might make him unhappy, he has worked the same dead end job at a grocery store for five years now. He has goals, but when he speaks about the future, he rarely includes me (uses phrases like “I just want a house for me and my cars, that’s all”). He also has not made any meaningful changes to further his life and continues to complain about not getting ahead.

I don’t know, it feels like he does not like the direction I’m growing in. I will continue on my path with or without him, but that’s the tricky part — do I call it? Or should I wait and hope this is just a rough patch?

  1. It sounds like you’ve outgrown him and that happens. It is so fun to be excited about your future and having a wet blanket around is hard.

    Whether you should call it or not is tricky. Do you see yourself with him as he is today forever? Do you see him changing? If not, call it.

  2. IMO you should move on immediately. Every day with him is a day wasted because you are at the beginning of what could be a great adventure … your life. Best wishes.

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