So my partner and I went to a gala last night and we took pictures together and her solo, we even got Polaroid pictures of us together. We posted a picture of us on our story and she said she’s gonna post post pictures on her main page. She said she doesn’t want me in it and wants our relationship private. She prides herself as an influencer and plus she didn’t introduce me to her friends that night while i did.
It feels sucky. Slap me back to reality. Thank you

Tl;Dr my partner doesn’t want to include me on her social media post. She’s active on it and prides herself as an influencer. Should I be worried?

  1. > She prides herself as an influencer and plus she didn’t introduce me to her friends that night while i did.

    You’re not a priority to her. Her “internet friends” are more important. Her “internet life” is more important that what you have.

    If it ever comes to her social media or you, she’ll pick social media

  2. Plenty of people with public facing role keep thier private lives off thier social. Depending on how serious she is about being an influencer this can be beneficial to you as you won’t be inundated with randoms.

  3. First and foremost, how long have you two been in a relationship?

    If it was already for quite a long period of time, it would struck out to me as a red flag especially by this time you have not been introduced to her friends. That could possibly mean that she is too self-obssessed, narcissitic and in hopes that her social can fish for a better potential that gives her the validation that she wants.

    However, if otherwise the reason could be that she’s just unsure of where the relationship is heading and wants to be sure. Just wait it out at this point, you would definitely be on her posts someday. Being on her story, already shows you and her dating (just both of yall in a picture i hope?).

    Don’t feel sucky, you don’t need her social’s validation for your relationship to be happy. If anything, as long as you two are happy together is all that matters.

  4. Does she have an income as an influencer with a big following? A lot of them keep private lives off the professional account so that they don’t have to deal with their followers being the way entitled internet people are. (SOs have been harassed for being with the famous person, their viewership can suffer because a lot of their customers are more interested in hot single girl than hot taken girl. It can open her up for “he isn’t good for you, I’ll show you what a *real* man can do for” kind of comments.)

    But if she isn’t making a living off of this (which would take surprise me if she did at are 18, but what do I know), then I’d say it’s a lot less of a concern. “Aspiring Influencer” is a lot different from someone who actually has a shot at making their livelihood that way.

    Additionally, protecting her image should stop at private spaces. Her friends and family should know you exist and that you are romantically involved, her private social media posts don’t need to be “cleansed” of you to present herself as single. It sounds like those things aren’t happening, which is a red flag in *any* relationship, the “influencer” bullshit wouldn’t even matter. You’re just in a relationship with someone who is less serious about you than you are about them. That sucks and you should want someone who is happy and proud to be with you.

  5. Above anything, you should be worried that your GF prides herself as an influencer. I’d call that a red flag, but it’s nice that she’s mature enough to keep her relationship life separate from it.

    I say this as a person who spent ages 14 to 26 checking his socials too often: the sooner you detach yourself from seeking attention from social media, the happier a person you’ll be.

  6. Influencers milk the shit out of their relationships on their socials. If she used that as justification in any part of your conversation then something is up, she is either embarrassed by you for some egocentric reason or she wants the social freedom to have other relationships

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