What’s the worst text you’ve ever accidentally sent to the wrong person?

  1. In college I accidently sent a text to a group chat about how I didn’t want to hangout with certain people because they smelled really bad and that person was in that text group lol

    To be fair they stunk so badly they cleared out rooms.

  2. I gave a guy my number on a night out several years ago. I wasn’t overly interested, but he seemed nice enough. He text the following day. I sent a message to my friend about “that prat from last night messaging me.” It did not go to my friend. Poor guy. He took it well, though. No nastiness.

    On the other side of that, I got a text from my ex during our relationship that he was supposed to send to the woman he was cheating on me with. That was fun…

  3. “Imma show up to your house stop playing” yeah…. That was meant for my ex (toxic situation lol). Ended up texting it to someone who had just texted me to ask me out on a date…

  4. I was getting back into dating using a dating app. Had drinks and dinner with two different men a few days apart. I was scheduled for a medical procedure a couple of days after that and had mentioned it as I couldn’t meet up for a week or so after the initial dates.

    A huge bouquet of flowers was delivered to the hospital from one of them, totally unexpected. Their first names started with the same two letters and I texted the wrong one to say thank you, how I’d enjoyed the date and included a picture of the flowers. I did not hear back from him.

  5. I sent a message intended for a friend saying I was going to break up with my boyfriend while on the phone to said boyfriend. Got confused and sent it to him instead. That was awkward af.

  6. A coworker and I had the same job at one point. She got promoted so I took on her tasks until they could hire her replacement. I asked her a question regarding her now old job and she basically blew me off. I thought I sent an IM to another coworker saying something like “I’m so fcking done with [name]. Idk why she can’t help me with this question. She just got promoted a week ago so I know she has the answer.”

    You guessed it, I sent it to her. She responded with “did you mean to send this to me?” and my heart just sank. I went over to her desk and apologized and said I was stressed out from taking on both jobs and she said it’s fine we all get that way sometimes but things were awkward between us ever since. I still feel bad and this happened years ago.

  7. So I used to work for a cell phone carrier and my boss was AWFUL. My boss stole one of my sales again and I blew up. I vent to my dad about everything and I texted him a huge paragraph of why I hated my boss and how ready to quit I was. I accidentally sent it to my boss who was in the same room. Somehow I didn’t get fired and he kinda straightened up with me.

  8. I sent a meme that had someone fucking a hollowed out human corpse to my cousin. Before you freak out, I was in a group chat and the challenge was showing our most fucked up memes. I just typed that into Google and picked the one that made me squirm. Needless to say it’s been about six years and I’ve never spoken to that cousin again.

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