Recently, I deleted all my dating apps and have been trying to meet people by just talking to them at random places and it’s going well.

As a guy, the biggest issue that we often have to deal with is a lack of likes or matches which creates this false image that we are somehow undesirable. This is heightened when we’ll be having a normal conversation and we suddenly get ghosted.

  1. – guys who clearly haven’t read my profile and just swiped right on everyone
    – guys who are terrible at texting or seem to actively not want to text
    – sexual harassment
    – getting insulted because you rejected or sometimes even dared to simply disagree with someone
    – stalkers

  2. Biggest issues for me were the low effort and sex crazed men on these apps

    Deleted them a while ago. IRL dating is much better

  3. When you put on the description what you are looking for, and ppl who are looking for the oposite match and pretend they want the same as you 🙂

  4. Lots of men seem to fall into two groups.

    Ones who send super boring texts that never go anywhere, “how was your day?” “fine, how was yours?” and so on. One sentence replies back and forth a handful of times and I just ignore or delete them.

    And ones who just right into “lets meet up” with no conversation at all, I assume they just want sex and delete them.

  5. I dont do dating apps either cuz women like me 1000x more irl. So what are your preferred places to meet and approach women? I’m hesitant to approach anywhere except for bars 😩

  6. Non responsive likes

    I can’t be the only one to send a message

    This makes me think any effort into a first message is kind of fruitless

    I get about 3 likes/ matches a day. One a week replies with any reasonable amount of message back

    F 50s

  7. 1) Dudes not responding. Yes, I am a woman, and yes I message first sometimes. Always super disappointing when an interesting-seeming dude never responds.

    2) Conversations that aren’t at all engaging. Could just be lack of chemistry, but damn some dudes suck at having back and forth conversations.

    Based on Reddit, these seem to be problems that guys have all the time. Well, women have them too. Dating sucks for everyone and people suck!

  8. Sexual assault, kidnapping, general violence, stalking, date rape, and harassment.

  9. My biggest issue is guys asking for a first date in their first message. As a woman I do not feel safe saying yes when I don’t even have a gauge of their personality. However most men don’t seem to know this is something you shouldn’t do and Ik I could be missing out on good people but I just can’t say yes when a guy does that.

  10. The likes and matches i get are from men too
    old for me, men with no bio, and one pic with a hat and sunglasses, men whos opening message is commenting on my body sexually, even though all my pics are shoulders up, or men who are non monogamous when my bio says monogamous

  11. Creepy men mostly. I get tired of them starting a conversation with what they want to do to me ew. Its really hard to find decent people on dating sites. Luckily the sites I used didnt allow pictures so no dick pics. With women I dont remenber one bad experience. Also i automatically skip people who dont have anything on their bio or have just one picture or if all of them are filtered/blurry.

  12. Guys making me put all the effort into keeping up a conversation. I see men complain about this a lot, but I have this issue where a man will text me first on a dating app, but then just let the conversation drop unless I put in the extra effort to keep it going. Or I will give them an opening to ask me out and then get ghosted. I’ve shown my texts to male friends and they’ve been stumped as to what I did wrong, so ??

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