Not exactly sure why this happens but something I’ve dealt with something since I was younger was easily and strongly getting attached to people, even some I don’t even know, Someone who I had just met who smiled at me and was kind to me, to friends, and even people interested in me romantically. I deal with BPD and not sure if that could be the reasoning. I know im not the only one who goes through this, anyone else struggle with this and have an explanation as to why they do?

  1. Hey OP, I totally relate to this. In these situations, I feel extremely validated when people pay attention and care towards me. Then I immediately get attached to them, try to solidify a plan for when to hang out next, think about them a lot, and always seek to reach out to connect with them. I believe it’s because I’ve had emotionally distant family members and friends during my childhood. I felt insecure in my earlier relationships, and so any new relationship moving forward feels fragile and I overcompensate my energy and become very emotionally invested because I want to cherish it. It can be a beautiful thing, but can be unhealthy if you do not give each other space.

  2. Yes! If a complete stranger is kind to me I will absolutely love them. And then if anyone is slightly critical of me I’ll hate em :P. Probably because I’m lonely and very sensitive.

  3. Absolutely. I tend to know first date whether I’m going to want to be with someone or not. I’ve learned how to cherish this open heart of mine, but I have also learned how to take things slow and get to know someone for a while before idolizing them. Saying that it can be quite difficult because when I vibe with someone well I get super excited and can become idealistic. It’s a delicate balance between being an open, loving person and being borderline obsessive. Takes much practice and patience with the self.

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