What makes you automatically respect someone?

  1. Honesty and integrity, especially from someone who *clearly* has more to gain by being dishonest.

  2. Every human being you ever meet is owed a level of respect. The actions people take dictate whether that respect should be maintained or not.

  3. Someone who is honest and speaks their mind without sending out mixed signals all the damn time.

  4. Not needing or wanting my respect. I don’t mean being antagonistic or some behavior of ‘acting out,’ but a person that obviously has enough self-value they act in a way that makes it clear having or lacking my respect isn’t going to change how they feel about themselves or their behavior is noticeable and warrants my respect.

  5. Nothing. Respect isn’t demanded, it’s earned.

    And I don’t know if you’re worthy of earning my respect until I get to know you a bit. So, nothing gets you my automatic respect.

  6. Not needing to brag or prove themselves. If someone can remain silent and not constantly try to advertise themself as being good at something, they probably already know their worth

  7. Being able to substentiate your opinions and having clear opinions in the first place.

  8. When they treat all people with respect.

    When they dont change personality/behavior depending on whos nearby.

    When they keep promises.

  9. Honest altruism.
    Humility, humbleness.

    Then just straight up ability to perform hard shit.
    Even if they’re assholes, but they can do amazing things… I respect them still, at least for their abilities.

  10. Standing by what they say and do, even when they’re wrong (which at that point is owning up to it).

  11. when they say they’ll do a thing, and then have the unmitigated gall to actually do it. Instant respect. The harder that thing is, the more respect is earned (additive). The more often they engage in this behavior, the more respect is earned (multiplicative).

  12. I had a coworker who was in his 50’s that overcame a drug addiction and was trying to make something of himself. Honestly, if I was his age with a drug addiction, I would’ve said “Fuck it” because I probably wouldn’t have but more than 10 years left on me. He did better than what I could’ve. I respect that.

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