Pretty much what the title says. I’ve had a chronic illness since 2004 which has restricted my life to a certain degree. Over the years I’ve tried to be stoic about this and just soldier on like a good Brit but at times I find it taxing. I hate complaining so I try to keep it to myself but its stressful. Feeling unhealthy all the times really starts to have a negative impact after a while.

  1. I have severe gout. Many of my joints are limited and deformed. I can’t walk and I’m in pain most of the time. Best I can say is take things one day at time and don’t be afraid to ask for help.

  2. I got back issues stemming from an injury in 2006. For me, it is about learning to luve and work around it. Acknowledge it, but do not dwell on it. Do what you can when you can, but really try not to think of the “i wish I could” scenarios.ghose just tend to spiral if you are already kinda depressed or in a bad mood. You can even start halfway with basic, “that would be cool” thoughts if things are getting to ya. Just do not give upor give in.

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